Thursday, October 9, 2008

God's Great Sense of Humor

I have always considered myself a faithful person. I try not to question God or challenge Him on things. I pretty much take the position that what He wants will be. Well, apparently, He has decided to play a really hilarious (and, by the way, FABULOUS) joke on me. For those of you who do not recognize what the picture to the side is, that, my dear friends, is a baby. That's right! WE'RE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!! Now keep in mind that, in order to have the twins, we went through a lot - 5 years, 3 surgeries, 3 fertility treatments, and a number of miscarriages. Then let me tell all of you that Clay has been working nights for almost 2 months now so, "alone time" is not very abundant. Now, you tell me - who else, other than the Lord Almighty, could pull off such a huge "gotcha?" We are so surprised and thrilled to be expecting this little blessing. We went to the doctor today and everything looks great. According to Dr. Max, whom I love more than I could ever express, we will probably have a baby mid-May.
As an added little surprise, most of you know my best friend, Courtney. Well, guess who else is unplanned pregnant! That's right! She is expecting, too. And to make it to over-the-top hilarious, our due dates are 2 days apart! 2 DAYS!!! You can't tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor!!!
I will keep you all posted on how things are going. All of you please pray for a healthy, happy baby to join our family. I send my love to all of you and I can't wait to read the comments that this post is going to generate!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited. You are right in that God knows what he is doing. You are a fabulous mother( as well is Courtney)so, I think one more in the world with your guidance is a blessing!! Sissy, COD, MAL, numb-neck and Jim will all take up the slack for Farrah and spotlight. I Love YOU!!!!! Sissy

Jamie said...


Todd and Joni said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so excited that we will have babies only 2 months apart. God is a miracle worker! Isn't he fabulous? Todd and I love you and your family lots!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard the good news all the way here in Japan!! Congrats!! I am so happy for you guys! Rob and I are saying prayers for you and your family!
Now, can you and Courtney have the babies in the same hospital? You know, when I deliver babies, I like to have time to visit with my moms a while before I have to leave for another delivery!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! The only thing that could be better would be another set of twins. Speaking from experience it is great. I know one thing for sure. I WILL NOT BE DRINKING THE WATER IN BUTLER. 2 sets is enough for us.

Anonymous said...

This is such wonderful and exciting news! I know that you are so thrilled. Congratulations!

Christina Findley said...

Congratulations!! Jeremy and I will be praying for you guys. Love you! Christy

Anonymous said...


Even though I already knew this fabulous news, reading about it brought tears to my eyes. You are such a "yummy" mommy and this is incredible news. I am so glad to be a part of all of this. Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

I just THINK Caroline & Charlie wear me out! Wait until I get to sit for little Hannah #3!! I can't wait!! Lots of love, Gran-Gran

Anonymous said...

I am so proud for you! We finally got Courtney to get in the river and now she is pregnant too! I'm feeling a little left out. I think I should go get pregnant! The problem is that my husband will not participate, so I may have to borrow one!(a baby, not a husband). I love you!

Anonymous said...

Well, alright!!! Congrats!!!

Pam Hurst

Lori Ellen said...

Hey Rach! I guess I'm a little slow on the uptake. I've been house obsessed these days. You know what causes babies, right...GUess there's not too much else to do in Butler these days...ha ha ha. Just kidding! I love you and am thrilled for you. Although, I'm still not sure how you actual got the hospital to let you take Caroline and Charlie with you when you left the hospital...They might call child protective services this time around... :) Love you!
