Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Quick "Hello"

Hello everyone! I know that most of you check this blog to see updated pictures of the twins. However, I have had trouble trying to get their latest pictures to upload. I wanted to go ahead and post a little update anyway. Hopefully, the pictures will follow soon. Caroline and Charlie are doing great! They are both potty trained now. I had no idea just how great that would be! They are getting excited about their baby brother, so they say. We will see how they feel about him when he gets here. As for Sam Allen, I am scheduled for a c-section on Tuesday, May 12th at 8:30. I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. It seems like yesterday that I was posting that first ultrasound picture of the little butterbean. I am excited, nervous, overjoyed, anxious, name it and I am feeling it right now. I just pray that all goes well and he arrives healthy, safe, and sound. Many of you have been asking about the status of the new house. Well, it is a continuing work in progress. I think that a safe estimate for move-in would be around the first of July. We shall see. You all know how it is. You fix one thing and then notice 5 other things that you want to "go ahead and do." That "go ahead and do" approach has made for a complete remodel but I think it is going to be very nice when we are done. I invite you all to stop by and see it. Well friends, I know that things will be a little different the next time I post. I just wanted you all to know how things are and what things we have ahead. I hope you are all doing well and be on the lookout for pictures of our newest addition.

1 comment:

Lori Ellen said...

I know things will probably get crazy after tomorrow. I'm praying for a safe and happy c-section for all. I can't believe you'll have three kids. Man, are you old!! I can't wait to see the new house. Not sure when I'll be in Butler again, but when I am I'll come by and visit. Love you!
