Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Three Years Old!!!!

Hi everyone! We celebrated Caroline and Charlie's 3rd birthday with a little family party on Sunday afternoon. (Their birthday was January 12th) We had a great time. Caroline wanted a Cinderella castle cake and Charlie wanted a Spiderman cake. I made them myself and I think the kids were happy with them. They wore their costumes to the party and had the other children do so, too. They all looked really cute. It was a fun time and, by party's end, we were all on a sugar high. I do know that old saying about time going too fast is so true! My babies are 3! I can't believe it.


Todd and Joni said...

WOW!!! Two cakes....what fun! And they looked so good. I was wondering how much they cost you and then you said you made them yourself....Impressive! I didn't know my friend was so talented. The twins are getting so big..I can't believe they aren't babies anymore!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Photos Caroline & Charlie,

The cakes look store-made Rach. Good job! I am so proud of you.

It is great that Peggy was able to be there. I wish we could have.

Take care and give the babies a hug.
Aunt Ellen